So I figured if I started doing a blog I'd be more consistent with the work I do on my painting. So here goes nothing....With that in mind, I'm going to begin here with a model that a very good friend hooked me up with that has been staring at me from my desk for some time: my beloved Warhound Titan Tim (named by my lovely wife).

Tim has a pretty fun history in his unpainted days. He survived a fall from a 6 foot shelf--which, upon finding him on the floor--resulted in me "screaming like a 10 year old girl"-- to finally getting primed and ready to go where he sits now.

I'm going to start with the legs, which I was able to put some paint on last night. I'll add more pictures as we go, but I've got the single one to start off with:


I primed everything in black, then did a quick airbrush of Boltgun Metal (GW-OOP) over the entire chassis.

Second step was throwing in a Devlan Mud (GW-OOP) wash with the airbrush to give it an introductory dirtying up.

He's going to be either a Legio Astorum (the Warp Runners...I know, so original) or Legio Tempestus (If I can find any of their iconography) Warhound, so I based his armor bits on the legs in Macragge Blue (GW).