Available [URL="http://www.flamesofwar.com/gf9online_store.aspx?CategoryID=13389"]here[/URL].
70NZD= 36GBP & 50USD.

Resin & unpainted.

Quote Originally Posted by Kroothawk @ Dakkadakka
First releases will be:
1.) Large Eye Tyrant
2.) Purple Worm
3.) Illithid Raiding party (Illithid Mage, Illithid Warrior, Gnoll, Duergar, and Brain Eater)
4.) Drow War Party (Mage, Priestess, Archer, Warrior and Rogue), Priestess not yet sculpted.
5.) Lolth in human form.

Two terrain sets fit this release: Caverns of the Underground (Stalagmites) and violet Energon Crystals.

Ilithid War Party: