Hello, good evening and welcome.

Tonight, ladies and gentlemen, I would like to discuss attitudes toward the regular use of Forgeworld in games.

Now, I'm largely ambivalent on account I am an experienced player, so the occasional new thing to smash up keeps things fresh and interesting, even though I don't partake myself. Well. Not yet. Forgeworld are yet to give me lots of goodies.

But then there are the younger players. They're well used to their own army, which is often their first. A laudable achievement in itself. But when they are still needing to double check their opponents standard codex army and it's abilities, is it right and fair to include exotic resiny goodness? I mean any unusual build of army is going to be new to them, but as FW models tend to use multiple special rules, which aren't always in the rule book, does the fielder of Forge World have the advantage?

Do you feel that Forge World, although now 'game legal' should only be fielded with your opponents foreknowledge that it's going in your list?

I do have an example I could give, but I'll save that for later, as I intend, with your help to explore opinions and peccadillos in the wider community, rather than focus on any given player!

So, contribute, comment and discuss!