The updated 1502 pt list


Warboss w. Mega Armour, Bosspole and Cybork Body 115pts

Big Mek w. Shokk Attack Gun and Ammo Grot 98pts


8 Nobz, one of whom is a painboy, all with cybork bodies, and 1 Waagh! banner & 2 big choppas 255pts
Nob Transport: Battlewagon w. Red Paint Job, Deffroller, Zzap gun, Boarding Plank,StikkbombChukka& 2 Big Shootas 150pts

20 Shoota Boyz with a Nob with Big Choppa & Bosspole, and the Boyz have stikkbombs 180 pts

10 Slugga Boyz with a Nob with Power Claw & Bosspole, 1 boy has a big shoota 111pts
Shoota Boy transport: Trukk w. Stikkbomb Chukka, Boarding Plank, Red Paint Job & Reinforced Ram 55pts

10 Slugga Boyz with a Nob with Power Claw & Bosspole, 1 boy has a big shoota 111pts
Shoota Boy transport: Trukk w. Stikkbomb Chukka, Boarding Plank, Red Paint Job & Reinforced Ram 55pts

Fast Attack

Dakkajet w. Red Paint Job, Additional Twin-Linked Supa Shoota, and a fighta ace 135 pts

3 Deffkoptas w. Twin Linked Rokkit Launchers 135pts

4 Warbikes with a nob with a big choppa and a bosspole

Total: 1502pts