Hi guys,

Agent here with another project log, swear that I'll actually get stuff done this time!
Right, so, let me lay down the scene...

I've never actually had a full playable Fantasy army, I don't know why... Could be varying factors; Shrewsbury is primarily a 40k playing store, so there aren't many players of Fantasy, the armies are kind of expensive to get a fun-sized army (3000 points?), etc etc

So yeah, after talking with the lovely EldarGal I kinda came to the conclusion that I wanted Vampire Counts, mainly due to Skyrim nonsense and whatnot.
My best friend suggested some things and helped me build an army list, which I was happy with.

Basically, I love skeletons, they look cool and they act cool. Sure, they may not be as disposable as Zombies, but balls to having 50 million Zombies. *yawn* Boring army is boring.
So I've kinda gone with a Skeletal Ethereal army here, it even features Krell, because that guy is a boss!

Enough ranting anyway, right, I'll get my army list typed up that I'm playing, then I shall get some pictures of my current progress.

Thanks for reading!

Agent out! (for now)