Hi Guys,

First off, not sure if this is the right place, but I'm thinking of 'creating' new character rules for my converted Grey Knight Contemptor Dreadnought, giving him a name and back-story so i can square the cost, time and effort with something that's a little more special on the table-top. If this is the wrong place, please kick me in the right direction, and I'll shift...

If this is the right place, here goes...

The basic background for this guy is that he was an exceptional DK pilot who was almost killed putting ceramite boot to deamonic rear-end (specifically, taking on three greater daemons in single combat, killing them(and taking a mortal wound) before using the DK personal teleporter to shunt back to the battle-barge in orbit (extreme distance, i know, but that's the point), and he had to get home somehow...)

Because of the dedicated service (he's a GK) and cus he would die otherwise, he was put into a dreadnought suit to keep him alive (and kicking daemon a$$) and sent back into the fight once more.

His rules ( this is the bit i need some feedback on; is it beardy (i dont want to be too beardy, but a few wisps of beardiness are fine), would you let him into a normal game, etc..)

Standard Ven-dred profile (so ws5,bs5,s6,12-12-10,i4*,a2)

WARGEAR: Assault Cannon, The Doomsword, Kelsier’s Wrath, Psybolt Ammunition, Smoke Launchers.
The Doomsword: The doomsword is a Nemesis Great Sword, which counts as a Dreadnought Close Combat weapon.
Kelsier’s Wrath: The left vambrace of Kelsier’s armour incorporates a twin-linked heavy bolter.
SPECIAL RULES: The Aegis, Advanced Aegis, Preferred enemy (Daemons), Psychic Pilot, Venerable

*Pushing his boundaries: If Kelsier’s Wrath is fired in the shooting phase, make an initiative test at the beginning of the subsequent combat phase. If failed, for this round of combat Jeff strikes at I1.

PSYCHIC POWERS: Dark Excommunication, Fortitude

Basically it's merging the rules for a ven-dread and a dreadknight. the model has a doomsword (and left wrist) from the DK kit. I was just going to incorporate a storm bolter for grey-knighty-ness, but it looked so piddly and useless compared to the rest of him, so i upgraded him to a heavy bolter (hence a bump in points and the Pushing His Boundaries rule - there'll be fluff about him pushing the DK suit further than most, but the rule's mainly there to offset the increased fire-power a little). I'll have to get some decent pics of the model so far (pretty much built, needs some tweaks and then painting) and upload them...

His points come in at 220, which is the basic Ven-dread points costs, with the upgrades pointed as per standard vehicle upgrades (the points for the TLHB are taken from Razorback-Rhino = cost), the standard DK points for the sword, and a premium for creating my own rules.

He takes up an Elites slot (as per the ven-dread profile)

I think that covers everything...any thoughts?