Hey guys, working on my RG conversions and army, go to project log and follow the link to check out progress, but here is a few special character and rules i've added to my army and would like you guys' opinions. Thanks, just take on character at a time and chew them up, spit it out and we'll figure it out.

Most of these guys are "use as" types but i've changed some of the rules to make more fluff sense. LmK you're thoughts guys. thanks for the help and feel free to playtest and use them your selves.

Chapter Master Corax (250 pts)– Jump Pack, Frag & Krak, Iron Halo, Pwr Armor (May take Terminator armor for +15pts)
WS6, BS5, S4, T4, W4, I5, A4, LD10, SV3+
Eternal Warrior, ATSKNF, IC, CT
Orbital Bombardment
Claws of Deliverance – Master-crafted pair of serrated LC’s treated as PF’s
Attack with Fury, Strike with Precision – Gives all members of the unit he is a part of Furious Charge and Rending
Shadow Madness – Corax can re-roll all failed attempts to wound in CC
Mantle of Darkness – While Corax is on the field night fighting rule is in effect for all units. In addition, all units assaulted by RG units suffer a -1 LD.
Chapter Tactics – Corax and all RG units with Combat Tactics are granted the outflank universal rule and can re-roll reserve rolls for that unit
May take up to 3 Honor Guards, only one may carry Chapter Banner, there may only be one Chapter Champion

Chief Librarian Vash – Force axe, Terminator Armor, As Varro Tigurius

Captain Vincati (200 pts) 1st co.– Silver Terminator Armor
May take Terminator Squad as Command Squad at regular unit price, Company upgrade can be bought at standard price, Apothecary replaces Terminator Sgt
Raven’s Wings – Black raven wings confer 3+ invul save
Hammer’s of Deliverence – Dual Master-crafted TH’s resolve as S10, +1 to vehicle damage charts
Chapter Tactics – All TH count as master-crafted, all Flamers, Hvy Fl, MG, and MM count as twin-linked

Captain Aldebaran – ¬As Kahn, Bike, Pole arm spear instead of sword

Sgt-Commissar Volsario Upgrade scout (50pts) – Former Death Korps of Kreig Commissar, PW, MB, Combi-Flamer, Teleport Homer
Eye for Weakness – Sgt-Commissar Volsario grants units within 12” Preferred Enemy UR to whatever they are facing (+1WS)
Voice of Reason – The unit he joins is Fearless

so that's that...lmk