Quote Originally Posted by Mr Mystery View Post
How do!

More rambling a from the festering pit of nonsense that is my mind I'm afraid!

In 6th Edition, I've started to see invulnerable saves fall slightly by the way side. Given the change to Power Weapons, and the advent of Look Out Sir! I've been finding it harder and harder to justify the points value of the Phase Shifter. In 5th, I loaded up on both those and Sempiternal Weaves. Now due to the two reasons above I find the 2+ save to be plenty good enough. Granted my heavy hitters have a glorious T5 which helps in HTH, but seeing as only Powerfists and Axes can ignore my save in fisticuffs, I am confident just dropping my Overlord into a bodyguard of Warscythe toting Lychguard.

But I'm digressing and getting too specific in terms of my army of choice.

To those others with access to a 2+ save, do you find this is enough, or do you feel my approach is just asking for a nasty old fisting/axing?
Those Fistings hurt man...........The axing not so much =/ I like my extra save even for the points it adds.