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    Default Special Operations Killzone 6th ed Beta available: 40k skirmish game

    For those that don't know about Special Operations Killzone, let me give you a quick rundown.

    Special Operations: Killzone is a Glorious 40k Fan project that a few avid gamers have been working on for just over 3 years now. Really, it’s a much refined and improved version of super-fast and streamlined 40K Kill Teams.

    Got 30 minutes and an itch for narrative-driven 40K? Here’s your medicine. From the hobby end, it's much, much more than that; it’s also an ideal way in which to experiment with neglected old models and very small forces for which one would never complete an entire army.

    From a gaming end, It's also an ideal way to test the merits of an army that has your interest before jumping in for the big plunge.

    It was run at the last 2 Adepticons with a great turn out and success.

    I have been in the process of updating it from 5th to 6th ed.

    This is not the finished update, it has no pics and most of the flavor text has not be added in; this a beta test version to get you guys back on the table. I need and appreciate any and all feedback.

    [url=""]Killzone Rules[/url]

    Codex list changes:
    [url=""]Codex Operatives[/url]

    I have been asked a few times since last night to list the major changes to Killzone in the 6th ed update. To be totally honest there are no major changes, mostly minor tweaks.

    Killzone Overwatch became Opportunity Fire

    Grenades are thrown following the rules from the 6th ed MRB.

    Assault distance is 4inches plus a D6, this was done to make sure that models with the new versions of fleet and equipped with Jump packs function properly.

    I upped the limit of Jump Infantry and Bikes/Cav from 2 to 3 models in a standard list.

    Some of the Killzone Wargear got tweaks as well; they are the Auspex, Medi-pack, Suspensors, Targeters and Thermal Imaging.

    In missions with Reserves deployment 3 models may deploy via Deepstrike.

    That is about the extent of the changes, although there has been some rewording of some rules/wargear for clarity.

    I am working on a team leader traits chart that I will hopefully be incorporating into the official update.
    Last edited by Big Jim; 10-01-2012 at 11:10 PM.
    My blog Prodos Games US Marketing and Sales manager

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