
I am trying to figure out how to keep my dark eldar units alive in 6th. I have figured that I could run two characters with shadowshields but that seems to be the only way to keep things from getting utterly destroyed in shooting if they aren't sitting in a raider.

Also due to the Hullpoints raiders aren't much protection anymore either since even a small marine squad can glance one to death now.

Almost all guns AP will punch through my t-shirt save of 5 or 6+, feel no pain is a pretty gimpy save now since it got nerfed to 5+, i have tried "kiting" the enemy with my raiders and ravagers but the DE seem shine close up at least for what I have been running.

This is what I have in my DE collection so far

2X raiders
1X ravager
1X razorwing jetfighter

I am thinking of getting some hellions and running silicious since he has a shadowfield

any tips or links to tactica would be appreciated, this is definitely a hard army to play well.