Hi, y'all!

My FLGS had a whole bunch of 2nd Ed. Eldar models for sale, so I stocked up to fill out my own 2nd Ed. Eldar army. Unfortunately, the rest of my GW stuff is in storage 1,000 miles away, so I figured I'd make a list just with the models I have here "on hand." Here's what I came up with - let me know if I've bought wargear or abilities I don't need or if I've missed something obvious:

HQ (365pts)

5 Fire Dragons+Fire Dragon Exarch w/Firepike, Tank Hunters(131)
4 Striking Scorpions +Striking Scorpion Exarch w/Stalker, Shadowstrike, biting blade(122)
4 Howling Banshees w/power swords+Howling Banshee Exarch w/War Shout, power axe(97)

5 Dire Avengers(60)
6 Ranger Pathfinders(144)
10 Guardian squad w/shuriken cannon(85)
10 Guardian squad w/shuriken cannon(85)
10 Storm Guardian squad w/2 fusion gun(92)

Fast Attack(142pts)
4 Swooping Hawks+Swooping Hawk Exarch w/Hawk's talon, power sword, Skyleap(142)

Heavy Support(525pts)
5 Dark Reapers
5 Dark Reapers
5 Dark Reapers

Model Count:79 Total Points: 1848

Usual Eldar foot tactics - big fearless bubble around the Avatar. It should be able to get cover saves relatively easily because it's the ancient "Rogue Trader" - era Avatar model that's barely bigger than a Space Marine. I'll use Eldrad's "Divination" power at setup to put the Dark Reapers in good position to shoot up the enemy's infantry. I already know that I'm gonna have real problems with armor - the only units I've got that can crack armor are the Fire Dragons, the Swooping Hawks, the Avatar and Eldrad. If I can't get to 'em, I guess I'll just stay away from 'em as much as possible.

So whadd'ya think?