
Primaris Psyker 70

Veterans, 1 3 x Flamers Chimaera Heavy Stubber Lascannon Team 170
Veterans, 1 3 x Plasma Guns Lascannon Team Chimaera Heavy Stubber 200
Veterans, 1 3 x Flamers Chimaera Heavy Stubber Lascannon Team 170

Fast Attack
Vendetta Gunship, 1 Heavy Bolters 140
Vendetta Gunship, 1 Heavy Bolters 140

Heavy Support
LR Demolisher, 1 Lascannon Extra Armour 195
LR Demolisher, 1 Lascannon Extra Armour 195
LR Punisher, 1 Heavy Bolter Sponsons Extra Armour 215

The Plan is for Dems to Anti Tank/Pie plate. The Vens anti veh/anti air. The Punisher is against mobs and would double as anti air in a pinch. A Plasma squad to drown stuff, flamer squads for maximum hits when people close me down.

Any thoughts, has to stay 1500. PS won't blob up its about the Panzers for me.