
With 6E releasing Today/Tomorrow as just rules, I was curious as to what else you're all looking forward to this summer?

I know for me, there are few things:

40K 6E Box -- A no brainer, really. I'll be buying this unless it's over $150. Consistenly chock full of value, plus the mini rulebook, there's no real reason NOT to buy it.

Trollbloods Mountain King -- Despite all the haters saying he isn't strong enough, I have just the biggest nerd-boner for this model. I think he drips with character. I love him and can't wait to get one.

GenCon Indy 2012-- This will be only my 3rd GenCon, and its always one of the highlights of my summer. Things I'm looking forward to at GenCon include:

--Wrath of Kings--> I really hope we see either the rules or, at the very least, some more models at GenCon. Playing it at Adepticon was really quite fun, and the sculpting pedigree of the game is second to none.

--Super Dungeon Explore Expansion --> Can't wait for this. At all. I'd buy it now if they'd let me. Easily some of my favorite models, and my wife will actually play and enjoy the game. Win-Win.

As of right now, it seem like my GenCon "To Buy" list is rather low; however, we all know that can change quickly once you get in that massive hall.

So what are you looking forward to? Are you going to Gen Con, and if so, what is on your "To Buy" list?