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    Default turns 1 years old. A raffle for everyone who follows

    Hello All! is officially 1 year old today, with 100's of posts on 40k, including tournament recaps from local RTT's,the Bay Area Open, and other So Cal GT's

    We occasionally stray into the Warma-Hordes turf, but at heart we are a 40k blog.

    To commemorate such a monumental occasion we have decided to do a raffle to all followers and all new members of the blog. We will accept entries until we get up to 50 followers to raffle off a gift card from amazon. So get in fast!

    We will also keep the raffle open until the end of the month, when we will be raffling off a new in box Ork Bommer Kit.

    [URL=""]Here is a link to the contest and the details [/URL]

    Anyone that enters can also get an awesome 3forint sticker, that is until I run out.

    Thanks to BoLS for letting us post links and also their awesome Blog-roll it has been amazing in helping us get to get people on site. I am sure this will continue and we hope to see more and more fresh faces on our blog in the future.

    Thank you for your time.
    Last edited by Blood Lord Soldado; 06-15-2012 at 12:38 PM.

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