These have all come up recently in my local group. After coming to the impasse and a good 5 minutes of discussion, we quickly solutioned/4+ed it out when the BRB didn't have definitive answers (as far as we could tell). So hopefully, some clarification would be very helpful.

On to the questions.

1) Balthasar Gelt in the new empire book. Has a 2+ ward save vs shooting attacks. When hit with a Magic Missile, the hits are distributed as shooting, does this mean the 2+ stands against the shot? Or does he have to rely on his usual 6++ ward?

2) Steadfast. What counts as a rank for the purposes of being steadfast? A chariot charged into a unit of archers. At the end of the round there were 7 archers left, with 5 in the front and 2 in the back. The player with the archers argued that they were steadfast as they had 1 rank of 5 while the chariot had none. But the chariot player thought only the rank after the first counted. Which one is right?

3) Breath Weapons. Normally, you are only allowed to fire 1 breath weapon a turn. The chaos dragon allows you to fire both breath weapons in the same turn. You can have a chaos lord with streaming corruption riding the dragon allowing the model to have up to 3 breath weapons. Since the chaos lord and the dragon are two entities, does that allow all 3 breath weapons to be fired at once?

I am sure I have forgotten one. Regardless, thank you in advance!