So being back into the game, I created a list for the first time with the ned Nid codex and have some different things from various people giving me ideas and from lurking in several forums to get a feel for what I want and have come up with this list.

Please let me know what you all think.

1850 Pts - Tyranids Roster - Nids1850.6

HQ: The Swarmlord
3 Tyrant Guard Brood
(Lash Whip)

Troops: 13 Genestealer Brood x4
(Toxin Sacs)

Elite: 3 Zoanthrope Brood
1 Mycetic Spore

Heavy Support: 1 Tyrannofex
(Rupture Cannon; Cluster Spines; Thorax Swarm (larvae))

Total Roster Cost: 1844

Obviously the goal is to Infiltrate the stealers towards objectives.....Run the Tyrant Guard up the middle with the Storm Lord right behind them to soak up shot and take out any targets as I go.

The Tfex will support with taking out any hard hitting weapons as well as leveling down hoards of troops and then hope by turn 2 or 3, Drop my Zoans in a critical area and use the sport to block an importan objective as the zoans use their Psyker abilities and mop up mobs and or vehicles that the Tfex can't get to.

Another list I have has a Trygon Prime in there instead of the 4th squad of Stealers.

Thanks gang!