Currently i have a a decent size army of eldar that i am hoping to sell or trade in favor of one of the two above how ever i really haven't decided which one. So I am looking for recommendations hopefully from people have played one or both of these armies for awhile. My main problem with the eldar is im not all that attached to the models and everything in codex seems vaguely over priced for what you get and i am really seem to miss having some units with actual punch. My main army is space wolves and im not really interested in getting another army of power armor so these are the two that ive really come down too. I really enjoy the orders system for I.G but i am put off by how little variety there is in their codex i also love the maneuverability offered by eldar, dark eldar and even the I.G flyers. I like the look and love how the dark eldar codex is written and also that they have some good assault units (which both eldar and I.G seem to be lacking) but when i have tried to test play my friends D.E army i struggle to get past their incredible fragility. Any way after that ramble im just hoping to get some advice or personal opinions and experiences to help me look at this from a new angle. Thanks for your time and any help.