Quote Originally Posted by gendoikari87 View Post
Bottom line is only total revenue, and really only a good measure of short term profitability. With their price increases they can do the same while selling less, or better while selling at a flat rate. But even the models sold aren't a true indicator of their performance for the long term. for that you need data on people, how many people are leaving/starting, the game. number of models sold while not perfect is a better representation of this than the bottom line. But since you're so damn smart you know this already.

BTW does anyone have any sales figures on the number of models sold? or just bottom line?
I agree, you need data on the number of people who are leaving/starting the game, but that data hasn't been presented. Remember, Ikari; you are the one whose been making positive claims about the state of the business. You are the one who needs that data to back up your assertions, and you don't have it.

Your post here pretty much completely undercuts your entire argument up to this point--and rightly so.