I forgot that one. The IG doctrines were great. When I first began building my Guard army it was with that codex. Chapter traits or doctrines were awesome because you could create a very specialized army to suit your playing style and needs. I built a very good Marine army using the traits. At the time I was also strapped for cash. And I managed to use the doctrines in such a way I was able to still build a potent army without spending a vast fortune on it. And when that codex was invalidated so too was that army. Pretty much had to break down most of the models and redo everything. And then spend more cash to get more stuff to make it strong. My Guard army luckily wasn't hurt by the invalidation of the doctrines codex.

Quote Originally Posted by StraightSilver View Post
I think the current Dark Eldar Codex is by far the best at the moment. It is beautifully thought out and balanced, and allows you to create themed armies that are still competetive, or mixed builds which are no less effective.

It also has some lovely hidden tiered extras, like character / unit combos.

If I was going to pick an all time favourite Codex though I would say the Imperial Guard Codex before this one, the one with Doctrines.

Again, you could build a bog standard Guard army, or theme it to any of the fluffier army builds using doctrines and still get nice competetive lists.

However Guard then really were an army you had to work really hard with to win, but once you got the hang of them they could hold their own quite nicely.

The current IG Codex is in my opinion a bit overpowered, there are some dodgy costings in there tbh, and they aren't the challenge to play that they used to be.