Quote Originally Posted by marsdonut View Post
Guaging from the lists presented, I would first try out...

HQ= 1x 'el Cmdr @ 87
[Plasma Rifle, Missile Pod, Multitracker]
E= 1x 'ui Crisis @ 62
[Plasma Rifle, Missile Pod, Multitracker]
E= 1x 'ui Crisis @ 53
[TL Fusion Blaster, Targetting Array]
E= 3 Stealth Suits w/ targetting array @ 120
T= 6 Firewarriors @ 60
T= 6 Firewarriors @ 60
FA= 4x Gun Drones for a FA Gun Drone Squadron
[490 pts]

Gives you access to a lot of units with varying degrees of ballistic skill, a deep striker or two, and a lot of str 5 firepower. All but the firewarriors could assault move jetpack too! If not first, try it later when you start to devalue the HQ's presence.

I know a few people that love to deep strike TL Flamers, Burstcannon, HWMT suits, and yea, it hurts. Been on the receiving end a few times. In my larger games though, I like more melta available to cut the broadsides some slack. I just have a terrible tendency to lose stealth teams to multi-assaults, which is why I did not give them a melta weapon.
Yea, i was planning on removing the fusion blaster from the stealth team. I don't plan using deep striking methods until im more adept at the army, but thanks for the help!

I was wondering though, i didn't think that stealth suits could have Battlesuit systems, i thought they could only have wargear (the third column on the upgrade page)