Hello: I just wanted to put a link here to a recent blog post I did about using Warhammer to teach English.

Link: [url]http://andygomez.wordpress.com/2012/02/26/using-warhammer-to-teach-english/[/url]

There are a fair number of large pictures, so I thought just linking to the blog makes more sense than reformatting for the forum. I also am not doing this so much to say, look how great I am, but rather to encourage people to try similar projects, and to bring their hobby more into the other spheres of their lives.

In short, last year I was teaching English in Kosova, and I held an extracurricular class once or twice a week for high (English) ability students. The great power of Warhammer was to interest them and compel them with the art and background, and give them a framework to work within. I also used the project to teach about the writing process (drafts, editing, etc.).

I am pretty proud of the project, and hope you find it interesting!