So this is a fun little thread so if in wrong section im incredibly sorry mods and pls move.

Anyway Yesturday I took part in a immortals event which was a 600 point winner stays on tournament, Note due to multiple tables there were several games on and the aim was to get as many Wins in a row as possible.
Anyway I wanted to try and make a post about that kinda style of event but instead about how well or lack of wellness I did I wanted to make it a bit more light hearted. So the topic is 2 fold. First To say if you like this kind of tournement event. Have you played in this event. Etc.

The second to use my army list and the rough army lists of my opponents to guess wether I won lost or drew each game, and if you want to make a guess at how i did in the tourney feel free.

So My list 600 Black Templars:
Emperors Champion
5 Initiates with rhino. Meltagun, powerfist and frags.
5 initiates with rhino. Meltagun, powerfist and frags.
and 2 landspeeder typhoons.

My games were:
1: Dark eldar
2: Ultrasmurfs
3: Necrons
4: Imperial Guard
5: Tyrandis

The dark eldar list
2 raiders
1 unit of 10 wyches
1 unit of 9 wyches
3 jet bikes with blaster
cant remember much more beyond an agoniser in each squad.

Ultrasmurf list
2 10 man tact squads with various random upgrades

Necrons: Overlord in command barge with scythe
Doomsday Ark
7 Warriors
5 immortals

Imp guard
command squad with body guards
3 vet squads with plasma guns. 1 had a autocannon
5 ratlings

20 gaunts
3 raverners
2 units of 10-12 genestealers.

So how do you think I did?