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    Default Eldar, Farseers and why I am in awe of them....aww :)

    So over the last several months I have found myself with a lot of spare time on my hands. So I have done what any REAL unemployed American does with all that spare time and wasted it doing tons of simple stats math learning about my little toy soldiers.

    But I digress. I am finding that no matter what army I play against, I always take a Farseer with doom and guide, as well as Eldrad in the list I play with. Arguments aside about taking named characters (note: it's an Eldar thing, don't worry if you don't see the issue with taking named characters), these are the only two HQs I find myself taking. Eldrad and the doom/guide Farseer no matter the army I am fighting ( orcs, grey knights, blood angles and dark Eldar so far) or the list I am fielding to fight that army.

    While I do have a spiffy double Autarch, deep strike heavy list that I have been toying with, I am finding it hard if not impossible to build a list without taking Eldrad and the guide/doom Farseer and feel good about being competitive.

    Don't get me wrong here. I know that anti-psyker armies will give me fits. I know that Eldar psykers don't fill a 'close-combat HQ' slot/role. I used too play with the Avatar and Jetbike riding autarchs all the time. Heck, Fire dragons are my most favored unit and Fuegan used to be a mainstay for that reason. I am just finding that after reading virtual reams of Eldar dogma, cannon and numerous tactics threads with associated high order math and doing plenty of my own exhuastive time wasting math, codex/rules reading and play testing, those two HQs are the 'bees knees' so to speak and are universal as far as my research have gone.

    So my point? What say you? Is my self supposed Eldar epiphany just me coming late to the 'common knowledge' party? Am I just having unusal good luck, playing sucky players or just plain talking out of my bum?

    TLDR version: taking Eldrad and guide/doom Farseer good, any other HQs not so much.

    Thanks all.

    Last edited by Bitrider; 11-07-2011 at 07:17 AM.

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