Two weeks ago Servants of the Imperium came under attack by hackers and is still not back up. It is obviously a terrible shame that someone would do something to such a good webcomic. This is not the first time that a warhammer based webcomic has come under attack by hackers. Secret life of Mobs a fantasy based webcomic came under attack a few years ago and shut down completely. Gone to Ground was also attacked by hackers towards the end of it's run. I think it may have stopped updating at that stage, but I am sure that the attack featured in its decision not to continue- the creators had mentioned an idea for a follow on strip involving DKoK and the Black legion, which never materialised.

I can name a few warhammer webcomics which never came under attack- ninjabread, eatatau, TSOALR, and the very infrequently updated golden throne. Of those only eatatau currently updates regularly.

Is somebody attacking warhammer webcomics? Will servants of the imperium survive? Does anyone have any other examples? What do you all think.