My local game store is having a 500 pt turni next month. Ist being played on 4x4 tables and standard FOC applies. Now im sure there are better dexs to use but im stubbern and im gonna play my Angels. It will be a challange but that will make victory all the sweeter. Im pretty limited with choices but I came up with 2 lists. In your opinion which do you think is better.
List 1 Greenwing
Hq Interrogator Chaplain
W/ plasma pistol, melta bombs
5 tac
W/ flamer, power weapon
in TLHB raz
5 tac
W/ melta, melta bombs, plas pistol
In TLLC raz
List 2 Ravenwing
Samual in land speeder (Av 14)
3 bikes
W/ 2 melta, melta bombs
3 bikes
W/ 2 flamer, melta bombs, power weapon
Now both lists aren't bad but there is only so much you can do with 500pts. I tried to balance the load-out with 1 anti-horde unit and 1 anti-tank.
List 1 advantages. has more models, a good hq that gives fearless to units its with, and 2 razorbacks. Disadvantages tacs arnt very tough and with low # dont have much staying power. Similar lists will be fielded probly cheaper. So most likely I would be really hope'n for first turn.
List 2 advantages. Probly unique, AV 14 vehical will be very tough to crack, very fast, leadership 10 the whole army is fearless, and relentless
Disadvantages. Very small model count.
Let me know what you think. Which would you choose?