Heya, so my eye is being drawn slightly away High elves. And want to get back to my origional army. Bretonnians. So Since Im a competative player I want a decent army from the get go.
So i have an army list prepared to see what you guys think.

Its 2400 point simply because thats how the fantasy scene is going due to GW TOS so Hopefully the list will be decent, Never made a list this size and even 400 points seems to have a large effect.

So starting off with...

Bretonnian Lord on griffon. With armour of Agilulf; lance and virtue of heroism; and the grail vow.

Prophetess of the lady with lore of heavens

Paladin standard bearer with barded steed Virtue of duty and enchanted sheild.

Damsel level 2 with prayer icon of quell and lore of life

Damsel level 2 with steed and lore of beasts

8 Knights of the realm with full comand and banner of Chalons

8 Knights of the realm with full command and banner of the eternal flame

8 Knights of the realm with full command

40 Men at arms with banner and musician

10 Archers

10 Archers

10 Archers

3 Peguses Knights




This leaves me with 34 points to add somewhere. No Idea where yet so if any help.

Current tactics are for lord to harass enemy and slay monsters. The Damsel on horse goes in the no stand and shoot knight unit and the damsel on foot goes into the men at arms to give them a ward save.

The peguses knights are used to slay the enemy war machines as well as harrass ranged units and perfom rear charges. The archers are there to shoot lighter units as well as provide some protection for my war machines.

Knights are pretty standard, support each other with multi charges, maybe some flank charges if My men at arms manage to bog a unit down.

Hope u like the list although if not say why all comments and critism which is constructive welcome.