Heres my latest attempt to wreak havoc on the forces of loyalist imperial dogs round my way: )

5x Ch Terminators, I.O.S. 5x champ, 4x twin Lightning Claws, Chain fist, Heavy Flamer
5x Chaos Terminators, I.O.S. 1x champ twin Lightning Claws 3xCombi Melta, 2x Chainfist (Deep strikers)
7x Plague Marines, Champ, Powerfist, 2x flamer
8x Khorne Berzerkers, Champ, Powerfist, Rhino (Kharn goes in here)
Land Raider Possession (Champ Terminators go in here)
Land Raider Possession (Plagueys go in here)
1x Obliterator (Deep strikes with Abaddon)

I like deep striking Abaddon with obliterators (even just the one)
Still fooling around with it, this list is just for friendly games, comments welcome.