Okay, I just figured it would be a good Idea to create a place to tell some of the more fun stories of epic victories, crushing defeats, and hilarious antics in BFG. Everybody's got a few good stories to tell, here's the place to tell them.

Personally, I think my favorite story I have is of one of my first BFG battles ever. I had a Mars, a Dictator, a Strike Cruiser, and 9 Falchions. My opponent, a Necron player, had two Scythes and 9 escorts, 4 of type, 5 of the other (I don't know the names right off the top of my head). We were both fairly new. As the battle got started, he forgot to AAF in his first turn, and then, for the rest of the game, failed EVERY special order roll except one. I, on the other hand, managed to swat down his escorts in two turns, destroy one scythe (which took 2 Falcs with it, which was half of my entire casualties for the entire game) and boarded the other. We called it at that point, but it was fairly obvious, victorty was mine. Fun times.