... Really?
In the GK codex, no GK unit can have the +1A bonus for 2 close combat weapons other than by taking falchions. Now that falchions have been FAQ'd to say that they only allow +1A not +2A the intertubes is calling foul and declaring falchions to be a completely useless and stupid option that no one would ever take.

This seems pretty dumb to me. Let's make a comparison.

In C:SM a tactical squad sergeant is armed with a Bolt Pistol and a Close Combat Weapon, this gives him +1A making him pretty cool in CC, having 3 attacks. Now (excuse me for not having the codex on hand) from memory, the sergeant is able to upgrade this to a power weapon for something in the vicinty of 10-15 pts. This leaves him with 3 power weapon attacks, and he is the only model in his squad that can take this. The cost of this upgrade is, notwithstanding the initial 10(15) pt outlay for the power sword/axe/kneepad/what-have-you, is a reduction in his potential fire output. The sergeant must exchange his boltgun to get the +1A.

Now let's look at the GK falchions.

A GK in terminator armour pays 5 pts to get +1A. This gives him 3 force weapon attacks. A quick reminder for those of limited attention span: A force weapon is a power weapon that can cause instant death when a successful psychic test is made. Does the GK terminator lose anything? Yes. He loses the 4++ in CC and reverts to his 5++. But he gets to keep his 24", 2 shot assault weapon, losing none of his ranged power, and only gaining in CC power.

A GK in power armour pays 10 pts for the falchions. Why? He loses nothing. He just gets an extra force weapon attack added to his base attacks.

All models in these squads can take falchions. OUCH!

Can someone please explain to me why the falchion has all of a sudden been "nerfed"?

P.S. - The term nerfed confuses me. Nerf guns f*****g rule!