Thinking about how dependent some people are on GW for their hobby (game space, miniatures etc) got me thinking, are people similarly dependent on video game developers (not franchises)? Are there are any developers that when they release a game you will know you will buy it just because they make it? Or if not to that extent, that you know what they will release will be quality even if it doesn't appeal to you?

For me, I have Bioware. I've bought every game Bioware have released except the two non PC games (Sonic Chronicles and Mass Effect Galaxy). If they make it, I will buy it and I will probably love it. Just to illustrate how sad my addiction to Bioware games is, I commissioned an artist friend to make a full scale bronze sculpture of my Commander Shephard from Mass Effect as well as making myself dresses featured in both the ME and Dragon Age games.

Blizzard Entertainment, I've been playing their games sine Warcraft: Orcs and Human and will continue to buy their games. Though I did skip the Diablo and Diablo II expansions.