Heya all,

There is a tournament coming up in October that I am going to take my Tyranids to. I don't have alot of experience at 2K and can't find a way to spend my last 150 points.

And one more disclaimer before I start. I love gaunts. Lots of them. They are non-negotiable (unless of course you suggest adding more. I'm open to that).

HQ -
Tyrant - 2x Twin-Linked Devourers, Toxin Sacs, Enhanced Senses, Adrenal Glands (WS), Extended Carapace, Implant Attacks, Shadow in the Warp
3x Tyrant Guard w/ Lash Whips

Tyrant - Scything Talons, Lash Whip & Bonesword, Warp Field, Wings, Toxin Sacs, Implant Attacks, Adrenal Glands (WS)

Elites -
9x Warriors - Toxin Sacs, 8x Deathspitters, 1x Barbed Strangler

Troops -
32 x Gaunts- Without Number, Fleshborers
32 x Gaunts- Without Number, Fleshborers
32 x Gaunts- Without Number, Fleshborers

Heavy -
3 x Zoanthropes - Warp Blast, Psychic Scream

And with that I have 152 points left to spend. I thought about a Carnifex but all I would be able to afford would be Extended Carapace, Scything Talons, Barbed Strangler and I'm just not sure it would have enough punch.

Recommendations for the last 150? Ideas to clean the list up a bit?