Hey All,

Emperor knows we should not question the wisdom of GW, but is anyone else out there worried about scale creep? I am a middle-aged geezer so I have watched this trend over the years. My original 1980s GW stuff was about 25mm or less. In the late 1990s size jumped a bit. I talked to a GW rep around 2000 at Glen Burnie who assured me that the 28mm "heroic" scale would be as large as things would get because "now they can do really good detail." Well, here we are about a decade later and look at the size of those new Orks! Orgyn-sized or bigger. The new terminators are at least 30mm sized figures.

Surveys amongst other miniature gamers (Napoleonics, Civil War, WWII, etc.) have suggested that scale creep is the number one pet peeve amongst hobbiests. I for one find this more irritating than price hikes...well I guess it IS a price hike because I always feel I should re-tool my armies upward in size. Furthermore, a once awesome looking model becomes wussier and wussier looking over the years. It makes me sad when I see how tiny my pewter Space Wolf dreadnaught now looks on the battlefield.

What do the rest of youse-all think?