This happened to me the other day in my FLGS.

A loud-mouthed gamer with a high opinion of himself (you can tell I'm not biased against him in any way...) was talking about how the WOTR game system was 'broken' and unplayable. He used as his example a company of Dwarf warriors with Two-handed weapons, Gimli, Aragorn and Elendil. That's +5 to all to hit rolls and rolling hits again due to Gimli's Epic Rampage. He then asked all-comers to design a unit to beat him.

I was first and took 3 units of Mordor orcs with two-handed weapons. Nothing else. I let him charge and failed my terror test.

He rolled many dice and destroyed my unit (for the bad at maths, he couldn't fail to hurt me as he needed a 1+ to hurt me). Just as he was laughing and removing my models I reminded him I had yet to attack. I rolled my dice (8 + 8 + 2 for two companies in base contact and one supporting) needing 5s followed by 3s. I caused 4 wounds and removed the company including all his Epic heroes (last company on half strength). The on-lookers looked stunned and then burst into laughter. 60 points beat over 600 points worth.

Now, as amusing as I find this story, there is a point. Has anyone tried to 'break' the game with you and how would you counter them? I'm looking for any dirty tricks that people might pull and ways to stop those tricks in their tracks.