I'm fairly new to warmachine but having spent the last few weeks reading through rules and playing some starter games I've decided to play Khador and have come up, based on reading the rules and lots of internet, with a 35 point list to build up to

pVlad + wardog

Koldun Lord

Widowmakers (4)
Great Bears of Gallowswood
Greylord Ternion

my plan is to use the Koldun Lord to marshal the Destroyer and use that as fire support with the widowmakers allowing a blob of Vlad, Drago, the juggernaut, great bears and the greylords to advance under cover of the greylords blizzards, pop the feat and kill stuff in the face... at least that's the plan - like I say I'm new to this so there's bound to be loads of things that would cripple this list in seconds so I'd welcome comments / criticisms etc