So I was perusing through the codex at my FLGS (Pandemonium) and was looking at some of the pretty cool Arcane Wargear available to haemonculi. A lot of it is pretty out there rules wise and not the most reliable on the best of days, but I was wondering what people's thoughts were on the different items? I'll happily include the other haemonculi-related wargear even if it's not specified as arcane as well. Some of the more mind-fornicating entries i found to throw your opponents off include:

Crucible of Malediction: 3d6" Ld check bubble for psykers or removed from play

Archangel of Pain: 3d6" Ld check bubble for anyone or else WS1 I1 for the following turn

Flesh Gauntlet: Poisoned CC wep (4+) that causes instant death

Hexrifle: Assault 1 Sniper Rifle, AP4, 36", models suffering an unsaved wound by the rifle take a Wounds test. If failed, remove from play with no saves of any kind allowed. (Hello Daemon Princes and Greater Daemons. You have Eternal Warrior? You still dead)

Talk about really getting inside your opponents head with a relatively cheap piece of wargear. I believe the most expensive of the bunch tops out around 20 points, maybe 25. So they're all pretty reasonable. I could easily see myself spreading some cheap Haemonculi/wracks around with hexrifles just to try to get inside people's heads. And they're Assault 1!!!

Post other ones you think are great and comment on how you might use some in your army!