Kantor - 175
librarian - with 20pts worth of gear - 120

10 sternguard - 10 combi meltas - drop pod 335
8 sternguard - 5 combi meltas - 3 combi flamers - power weapon rhino 290

5 scouts - combar blades and bolt pistols - combiflamer - powerfist 110
5 scouts - combar blades and bolt pistols - combiflamer - powerfist 110

landspeeder storm with heavy flamer 60
landspeeder storm with heavy flamer 60

vindicator - dozerblade 120
vindicator - dozerblade 120

If they castle up i set up a firebase with the drop pods on a flank, drop the orbitalbombardment and the vindicators on them. when their gone sternguard or the scouts with powerfists open the cans and the others clean up the mess depending on lay out.

If they deploy spread out, drop pod sternguard open cans and scouts flame the stuff inside at one end while the vindicators and orbitalbombardment start at the other and work their way in.

If they are an assault force drop pod behind them or to one flank to harass while the others build a firing line. If they are advancing then it won't be long until they are in range.

if they are a drop pod force the landspeeders with scatter them greatly.

not sure what to take on librarion have 20pts toplay with and don't have codex to hand when typing
pschic powers - not avenger as sternguard can give me all ap3 I want. maybe null zone and something closecombat.

Kantor rides with the sternguard granting them with 4 attacks each on the charge,probobly librarian in there too.

Howzat - criticism appreciated though I'm hoping to settle on a list. I have some of the models and want to start building.