Hey there all you Kings of War!
In this thread I am hoping to create a roundup of all the news, reviews and battle reports from Kings of War YouTube community for everyone to check out and enjoy. I plan to update it weekly so keep on checking back every Thursday to get your latest KoW YouTube fix! Seeing as how we're just at the launch of the Edge of the Abyss summer campaign most of the VLOGS featured in this herald will revolve around the summer campaign!
First up this week, from Plastic Space Barbies we have three videos to feature. First up is an in-depth preview of the Edge of the Abyss campaign book, a giveaway video featuring several of the brand new 2017 summer campaign miniatures and an Edge of the Abyss battle report! Check it out here:
Edge of the Abyss Preview - Kings of War!
Edge of the Abyss Giveaway Spectacular!
Edge of they Abyss Jarvis vs. Nomargarok Batrep
Buy the campaign book at your LFGS or via this link at the Mantic store!
Edge of the Abyss - Summer Campaign Book
Next up, we got an in-depth review of the 2 player starter set The Battle of the Glades from BlackJack Legacy. Check that out here:
Kings of War 2 Player Starter Box Review Mantic Games The Battle of the Glades
Buy the 2 player starter 2 at your LFGS or via this link at the Mantic store!
The Battle of the Glades: Two Player Battle Set
Master Crafted gives us all a good reason to feel terrible about missing out on the 2017 edition of the Lady of the Lake GT!
Why you should go to a Kings of War Tournament! Lady of the Lake GT 2017!
MTGandMORE has published a series of unboxing videos featuring some new Mantic releases, including the VAMPIRE ON UNDEAD PEGASUS and TREE HERDER miniatures and KINGS OF WAR ARTEFACT & SPELL CARDS! Check them out here:
Unboxing a Mantic Vampire on Undead Pegasus
Unboxing Mantic's Tree Herder miniature
Unboxing the Mantic Kings of war Magic card deck
Buy them at your LFGS or via these links at the Mantic store!
Vampire on Undead Pegasus
Tree Herder
Kings of War Artefact & Spell Cards
WargamingForFun gives hobby tips on how save on Green Stuff when putting together Mantic restic miniatures. Check that out here:
Resnic (Resin Plastic) Quick Fix - No Green Stuff required - Hobby Vid
Meanwhile Utterly Spineless has been putting together a great series of videos reviewing Goblin units and tactics. Check out Parts 1 and 2 here:
Kings of war Goblins army review and tactics (part 1)
Kings of War Goblin army review and tactics (part 2)
Missed out on the massive Good versus Evil battle at Gencon 2017? Check out the amazing table setup with terrainaholic for that super sized battle here:
Gencon 2017 Kings of War Good vs Evil Table
The venerable Andy2D6 narrates a classic Goblins versus Dwarves 2000 point Invade scenario
Kings Of War Battle Report - Goblins vs Dwarfs
And to wrap things we have some fun Edge of the Abyss battle reports from the South African team over at Battle Knights and Slaughtered Warlord! You can check them all out here:
Kings of War campaign ; Edge of the Abyss game 1 Undead vs Men - Battle Knights
Kings of War: Nightstalkers V Dwarves 2500pts
[url]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SG-VYMD08-Y-[/url] Slaughtered Warlord
Don't forget to stop by next week to grab your next edition of the Kings of War VLOG Herald!