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Thread: sm scouts 1500

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Albany, NY

    Default sm scouts 1500

    ive been looking for a good light infantry list. guard just didnt do it for i started looking at space marines. im planning to do a pre-heresy alpha legion army and i think this would be a good way to start.

    SM Captain (135)
    -Power Weapon
    -Auxiliary Grenade Launcher

    Command Squad (225)
    -Power Fist
    -2x Meltagun
    -5x Meltabombs

    Scout Squad (204)
    -8x scouts w/sniper rifles
    -1x Missile Launcher
    -Cameo Cloaks

    Scout Squad (177)
    -9x scouts w/sniper rifles
    -1x missile launcher
    -cameo cloaks

    Scout Squad (177)
    -9x Scouts w/sniper rifles
    -1x missile launcher
    -cameo cloaks

    Scout Squad (136)
    -7 Scouts w/ bolter
    - Powerfist/ Combimelta

    Scout Squad (136)
    -7 scouts w/bolter
    -Powerfist/ Combimelta

    Scout Bikes (150)
    -5x scout bikes
    -3x grenade launcher
    -cluster mines

    Land Speeder Storm (65)177

    im stuck on the last 100 points though any suggestions?
    Last edited by thealmightypez; 06-12-2010 at 01:56 PM. Reason: spelling error

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    South Africa


    Drop one Scout Squad (177) and use the 277 points for a landraider.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Western Australia


    I'd be quite inclined to change the load out slightly on one or two of the larger scout sqauds so you can have some combat squads of shotguns/ccw.

    This way too you give somethig very interesting to eitherput in for outflanking (the whole squad which provided the combat squds must be in reserve at the same time, so, best make none of those scouts in a reserved squad have any sniper rifles, my suggestion), but also so some smaller combat squad sized scouts can utilise the landspeeder storm's transport capability.

    Is the storm able to carry othermarines other than scouts, i thought not?

    Depending on what you may or may not change, a librarian to help out your boys or something small and simple to just put the slightest amount of extra anti-tank in your force, perhaps a razorback for the command squad or a cheapdreadnaught for the twin linked lascannon.

    Just some off the cuff comments/suggestions. Looks good though.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    mostly at home


    This would be my suggestion. Khan (the special character) adds the possibility to outflank. This gives him and his command unit the ability to outflank. You could stuff him and the command squad onto bikes and convert some scout bikers to represent them. Master Crafted scout armour should equal a 3+ save. Plus it adds the possibility to add in other units later on, and still give them the ability to outflank, running with the scout theme.

    The rest of the army is pretty much build up around scouts. I went for two storms with assault cannons, since it is a bit unreliable to have multi meltas with a 4+ to hit. The assault cannons should provide more bang for the buck. The storm should be used to engage long ranged units. Stuffing them with the two shot gun units, will provide you with a good last minute scoring unit. Use them to flank and engage units in the back.
    The shot guns allow you to get out of the Storm and shoot and assault. Shotgun shots prior to engaging beats that extra attack from a CC weapon. The storm is open topped, so very vulnerable...I wouldn't stay in it to long

    The Sniper units should focus on taking out exposed units I would consider using hellfire Heavy bolters instead, but I personally prefer the missile launcher.

    The bolter units are your main stay and can be combat squad'ed into two units if running "take and hold missions" prime targets is pretty much everything, missile launchers in a separate squad to the sergeant of cause.

    The command squad is best used as a outflank unit. They are a prime target for everything else, as it is your only "though" unit. Powerfists and meltaguns are pretty self explanatory.

    Scout bikes.....hit and run...I would combat squad them into a tank hunting unit (serg+4) and a shooty unit (3 G-launchers+2). If you can get attention to them instead of the rest of your army, then you have a chance. Remember to use Turbo boost if not shooting. The Tank hunter unit should absolutely do that...except if they are engaging a tank. They are scary fast and people tend to react to a power fist coming at you with 24" moves . Avoid using them as close combat units...they are not that great at it.

    Pretty much it....hope you can use it for anything
    Gaming manifest: Play hard, but play fair. The game is about fun. Treat your opponent with respect. Losing a well fought game, beats winning a bad game.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Western Australia


    Excellent themed list.


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    mostly at home


    Thank you Paradox. I don't think it is very competitive, but it sticks close to what he was looking for and still stays very themed. I don't expect a lot of 14AV vehicles to show up in a 1500 points game, so Missile launchers, power fists and combi-meltas should be enough.

    Gaming manifest: Play hard, but play fair. The game is about fun. Treat your opponent with respect. Losing a well fought game, beats winning a bad game.

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