I've never bought any Gaming Models products, so I only know anything about them from an online review of thier products. It is a very fair review - Gaming Models sells thier products and "gaming quality" not show pieces.
[URL="http://jeremy.nandgate.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=68&Itemi d=65"]http://jeremy.nandgate.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=68&Itemi d=65[/URL]
From the review, some of those pieces would be a little embarrassing to use, while others would be ok with a little sanding and some work. The pic you posted of the GM models above does make them look good at distance, but the one in the foreground is a little fuzzy and might be making bubbles unviewable.
BTW - @ the T35 from QRF having Battle damage that is over the top - not sure, but I think the holes in the side skirt (if that is what you are referring to) might be access whole for wrenches/drivers/ tools to roadwheels for the tracks.
And bad moldlines and improper fit aside - I think it looks great with your paintscheme
BTW, Gaming Models seem to have an Armored Train out!