The Annapolis Model Painting Club is about to begin at 6:30 PM on Thursday, May 6.

Are you looking for a place where you can not only paint your models, but share ideas about painting? Are you interested in learning new techniques and do you perhaps want to improve your existing techniques? Are you interested in sharing what you've already learned about painting models with others? Beginning on the first Thursday evening in May and meeting on each Thursday after that a dedicated group of model painters will be meeting in the Games Workshop store in Annapolis, MD. If you're looking for a fun, social, and supportive environment in which to get your models painted then the Annapolis Painting Club is just what you've been seeking. Nothing improves model painting techniques like sharing ideas with and getting feedback from others. Bring your paints, brushes and and an open mind and come check it out!

Here are the address and phone number of the store:

Games Workshop
Phone: 410-266-8923
Jennifer Square Shopping Center
167 Jennifer Road, Suite D
Annapolis, MD 21401