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Thread: 1650 Nids

  1. #1

    Default 1650 Nids

    I've been refining my lists alot. I'll play test them twice and then make changes I think are needed. Here's my latest list, which I'll be playing this weekend, with general tactics too.

    1 Hive Tyrant (HQ) @ 295 Pts
    Leech Essence; Paroxysm; Shadow in the Warp; Synapse Creature; Bonded
    Exoskeleton; Wings; Lash Whip & Bonesword; TL Devourer w/Grubs (x1); Hive
    Commander; Old Adversary

    2 Hive Guard Brood (Elites) @ 100 Pts
    Impaler Cannon

    1 Zoanthrope (Elites) @ 100 Pts
    #Warp Blast; #Warp Lance; Shadow in the Warp; Synapse Creature
    1 Mycetic Spore @ [40] Pts
    Lash Whip; Ripper Tentacles

    1 The Doom of Malan'tai (Elites) @ 130 Pts
    #Cataclysm; Shadow in the Warp; Absorb Life; Spirit Leech
    1 Mycetic Spore @ [40] Pts
    Lash Whip; Ripper Tentacles

    19 Termagant Brood (Troops) @ 95 Pts

    1 Tervigon (Troops) @ 195 Pts
    #Dominion; Catalyst; Shadow in the Warp; Synapse Creature; Brood
    Progenitor; Spawn Termagants; Adrenal Glands; Toxin Sacs; Cluster Spines

    6 Genestealer Brood (Troops) @ 183 Pts
    Adrenal Glands; Rending Claws; Scything Talons
    1 Broodlord @ [69] Pts
    #Aura of Despair; #Hypnotic Stare; Adrenal Glands; Rending Claws;
    Scything Talons

    1 Trygon Prime (Heavy Support) @ 240 Pts
    Synapse Creature; Shadow in the Warp; Subterranean Assault; Scything
    Talons (x2); Bio-electric w/Containment

    19 Gargoyle Brood (Fast Attack) @ 133 Pts
    Blinding Venom; Adrenal Glands; Wings; Fleshborer

    5 Ravener Brood (Fast Attack) @ 175 Pts
    Rending Claws; Scything Talons (x1)

    Models in Army: 59
    Total Army Cost: 1646

    For the most part, I'm going to be playing a reserve game. The Tervi, gants and Guard will usually come in from the board edge to secure local objectives. The guard are for opening rhino's up and making sure that no quick moving armour get near my objective. In a kill point game, I might flank the Tervi.

    The zoans are my tank busting squad and my Doom is the oh-crap-I-need-to-go-deal-with-that unit. The idea is to bring the Doom down near the zoans, to draw attention away from the Zoans, so they can maybe get in 2 rounds of shooting, rather than just 1, which seems to be the norm for the deep striking unit, as they get assaulted after the shoot.

    The gargoyles and the Trygon will probably deep strike in, looking to crush a flank. I've found the gargoyles to be very effective in the games I've played. I'll be trying out the Trygon for the first time.

    The Tyrant and the Ravenors are my flexible unit. I'll largely decide to do with them in terms of what amy my opponent is running, or their deployment. I may deep strike them in, or simply bring them in from the board edge (more likely vs an assault army).IF the Ravenors come in after the Trygon, I may use the tunnel, but I'm not basing a stratergy around it. Same with the Hive Guard.

    The stealers are my threat unit. I may try infiltrating them, but if I'm going to be reserving everything, I'll more than likely outflank them.

    The idea behind reserves/deep strike is to reduce the amount of turns that I have to deal with shooting. Due to the speed of most of the units, by deep striking in, I can deal with one round of shooting and then get straight into assault. The down side is, if I don't get my Synapse creatures in, but my synapse dependent creatures make it in, could throw a big spanner in the works, but we'll see how it plays out.

    Vs a largely assaulty army, I'll probably deploy most things on the board.


    Last edited by synack; 04-23-2010 at 12:34 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Durham, NH


    I like this list--- has a lot of variety, and large squads (except for the Genestealers).

    Seems like you also have an understanding of the tactics involved in your list.

    The only thing I don't like is the Hive Tyrant, however, the way the army is designed, I cannot think of how to change it. It clearly is a army buff, and a CC monster.

    Have you thought about using the parasite? (you would have to lose Hive Commander)

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