Hey everybody - it's that time again - time for a reminder that Wasteland Wars 7 is only 5 months away. This year WW7 will be held on the weekend of Sept. 11 - 12, 2010 at a new venue for us, the Holiday Inn Hotel and Towers on Ave. Q in Lubbock, Texas. It's hard to believe we've been doing this for seven years now! Being in the hotel gives us the opportunity to offer a discounted hotel rate this year at the venue. Rooms at the hotel are available for $79/night (normally $119/night) when you notify the hotel you are coming for Wasteland Wars. Discounted rooms are limited so please reserve them as early as possible.
All the standard IndyGT information still applies: 5 games over Saturday and Sunday, painted armies are preferred but not required, and miniatures from any manufacturer are acceptable.
We run both games at Wasteland Wars - Warhammer Fantasy and 40K. Army point values are 2250 (Warhammer) and 1850 (40K). Entry fee is $40. Payment is due by August 15th, and army lists are due by September 1st. We don't have a scored comp system at Wasteland Wars. Lists must be submitted prior to the tournament so they can be power ranked. Lists that are deemed as ruinous of everyone's good time will be asked to be resubmitted. Fun and good sportsmanship are hallmarks of our tournament.
Remember, Wasteland Wars is NOT a part of Games Workshop's North American Tournament Circuit. Winning at WW7 will not qualify you for a spot at Las Vegas in 2011. What we are is a small IndyGT run by a solid local gaming group who loves Warhammer and enjoys hosting a friendly tournament once a year.
From the Oct. 2009 Tales of Battle magazine, Issue #4, Ben Burns writes, "Wasteland Wars has always been on my list of must get to GT's and I have no regrets going, and I'm sure I'll be back again soon. This was a great time, held by a great group of guys. If you haven't made it out to the desert in West Texas to hit this GT, I cannot recommend it nearly enough".
"I have been playing Warhammer for around 25 years, played in Grand Tournaments for over a decade, and these were the coolest looking trophies I have ever seen given away". And, "...this was one of the best GT's I've attended all year". You can check out Tales of Battle online at : [url]www.talesofbattle.com[/url]
Last year we started an individual miniature painting contest, which we are happy to continue this year. There will be two divisions - Warhammer Fantasy and 40K. Each division will have two categories, which basically comes down to small or large. And this year we have a special announcement - we contracted to have a Warlord of the Wasteland miniature sculpted by the talented Nicolas Genovase and molded and cast by Reaper Miniatures. The Warlord can be ordered online, and at WW7 there will be a special painting category for just this miniature. And because the Warlord is our tournament's icon, we've sweetened the contest by offering the winner a trophy and $100 cash.
I've already run this notice pretty long, so if you need any more details or information check out the website, [url]www.wastelandwars.org[/url]

Thanks, and we hope to see you at WW7!

Brent Collins and the entire Imperial Senate