Hi guys, first video battle report ever, still in the process of learning how to do this, so please excuse all the ums, the poor camera quality, and general shoddiness of it all.

Some things to point out: We forgot and mess up a whole bunch of rules here and there (pressure from the camera!). We forgot to use preferred enemy, my Vanguard sergeant shouldn't have died from a dangerous test and I messed up on Tigerius and used 2 shooting powers in 1 phase by accident. I could go on...

hope you guys enjoyed it, if it works out I'll try and get a better camera/video editing program for a start!

Part 1:[url]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MxFYVl1AmoI[/url]
Part 2:[url]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=891rtSYDUcU[/url]