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  1. #1

    Default Need some help with a 1500 points marine list

    Hi all.
    I am looking at starting a new 1500 point Salamanders army (With Vulkan) simply because i want to use a load of the chapterhouse stuff on them to create a really fluffy looking? army.

    Any sugestions?

    I already use a Blood Ravens army with a lot of sternguard and Pedro but am bored of painting red armour and too cheap to buy a new army book lol.

    I need an all round list, i am in no way a waac sort of player so doesn't have to be a all powerfull 'netlist' sort of a thing.

    Anyway, any help or lists would be appriciated.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Durham, NH


    if you play blood ravens you should already have the Space Marine book.

    Salamanders are about thunder hammers, flamers, and meltas. Make a list with all 3 and you are good.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2009



    Like Tynskel said hammers, flamers, and meltas. Fluffy wise, Nocturne is an unstable high gravity rock and the marines of the Salamanders are said to be larger and slower than other chapters, that makes it harder for them to train fast attack sorts of units, like assault marines, land speeders, bikes, etc. In their original list all Salamanders were I3 and all of their fast attack stuff was 0-1. Their chappy's also had the access to thunder hammers - a symbol of the promethian cult, and their vets and stuff could take techmarine signums or something...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Durham, NH


    Old School!

  5. #5


    Thanks for the replies. I have the codex i just wanted other peoples opinions on it. It's took me long enough to figure out a half decent list for the Blood Ravens!

    I'll have a good look though the codex and work something out. Definatly going fluffy so lots of terminators, Dreadnoughts ect oh and more sternguard.

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