Hey Everyone!
So, I like the idea of a smaller skirmish game, and Malifaux seems to fit the bill. I have seen a few battle reports on YouTube, and the minis/game system seem pretty awesome. I tried to do some preliminary research, but without a local gaming community that supports it, I have kind of hit a brick wall.
Pretty much, all I know is that I am probably going to go with a Misaki Ten Thunders crew. I am a sucker for ninja and samurai in all forms. As for a buy list, I have no idea where to start after grabbing the rulebook. My biggest questions would be:
- Are the minis in the Misaki Ten Thunders starter any good? Will I actually use them in the future?
- Are there any Ten Thunders "must have" models?
- Do I need to buy the Wave1/Wave2 books to assist with list building?
- How large of a force is considered common?
Thanks in advance for any guidance!