
Went to my local games club at the weekend and had a game against a guard player who I have played against in the past.

Here's the lists, though I cannot 100% remember the Guard one.

Orks 'Ead Manglers Lads 2,000 points


1 x Warboss power klaw, attack squig, combi skorcha, cybork body & eavy armour

1 x Big Mek kustom force field, burna & boss pole


15 x Lootas

12 x Lootas


6 x Nobz + Painboy w/ Battlewagon 1 x big choppa, 1 x power klaw, 1 x combi skorcha, 1 x twin-linked shoota, 1 x boss pole, 1 x waaagh! banner & cybork bodies - battlewagon w/ big shoota & boarding plank

20 x Shoota Boyz Nob w/ power klaw & boss pole

20 x Shoota Boyz Nob w/ power klaw & boss pole

20 x Shoota Boyz Nob w/ power klaw & boss pole

Fast Attack

1 x Deffcopter 1 x twin-linked rokkits & 1 x buzzsaw

1 x Deffcopter 1 x twin-linked rokkits & 1 x buzzsaw

1 x Deffcopter 1 x twin-linked rokkits & 1 x buzzsaw

Heavy Support

1 x Battlewagon big shoota, reinforced ram & boarding plank

1 x Battlewagon big shoota, reinforced ram & boarding plank

1 x Battlewagon big shoota, reinforced ram & boarding plank

Imperial Guard


1 x CCS - 3 x flamers & 1 x heavy flamer


1 x 10 Psyker Battle Squad w/ Chimera


1 x PCS w/ 4 x flamers

1 x Platoon w/ grenade launcher & autocannon + Commissar

1 x Platoon w/ grenade launcher & autocannon + Commissar

1 x Heavy Weapons Squad w/ Mortars

10 x Veterans w/ Chimera - 3 x meltaguns

10 x Veterans - 3 x meltaguns

10 x Penal Legion

Fast Attack

1 x Hellhound

1 x Vendetta

3 x Sentinels w/ autocannons

Heavy Support

1 x Leman Russ Battle Tank

1 x Basilisk

1 x Leman Russ Executioner

Deployment: Spearhead

Game: Capture & Control


Guard rolled to go first and setup with the CCS and mortar squad on his objective, the basilisk was also setup out of sight almost by the objective ruin. The 2 platoons and PCS deployed in terrain with the battle tank behind them. The psyker's chimera and vets chimera flanked down towards the ork side of the board while the vendetta turbo boosted with it's payload of melta vets towards the ork lines.

I deployment my orks in a castle formation with the battlewagons as I had put the big mek with the KFF in the nobz wagon, which is the converted land raider btw. The two squads of lootas took up in terrain, in case your wondering the other lootas were on the ground level because the upper levels of the terrain were over half way of the board! I popped my deffkopters behind the shrine of the aquila, but I turbo boosted them towards the oncoming chimeras and getting a 3+ cover save ready for next turn.

Turn 1

Not a lot happens in the Guard turn. My battlewagons get a few shots but I make all the saves with the KFF, except one, which turns into a crew shaken result so I can live with that. My deffkopters take a massive amount of punishment and taking loads of fire, which is great, though only one lived afterwards. I think that's all the Guard managed to do. Oh, the guard did lose 3 psykers as they failed a psychic test, tough call.

In my turn I backed on wagon up so it's close to my objective; currently I only had lootas on it which do not contest. I kept the other wagons in a tight formation so rear armour and side armour is protected. My single deffkopter moves into terrain and passes terrain test ok, as it lands in it.

Shooting the single deffkopter fires rokkit at the melta vets chimera but doesn't damage it. The two squads of lootas fire at the vendetta but only manage to score crew shaken on it.

In assault the solo deffkopter charges the melta vets chimera and pops it, in the process 3 melta vets are killed.

Turn 2

Penal legion make the reserve roll and come in by the lootas on the ground in terrain, the hellhound and sentinels fail to come in on reserve.

Guard mostly stay still though the vendetta drops off the melta vets in front of a battlewagon and then turbo boost towards my objective.

Shooting the melta vets out the vendetta score 2 penetrating hits on a wagon, one is saved by the KFF but the other gets through and wrecks it. The executioner manages to unleash plasma and wreck a big shoota on another wagon. The ground terrain lootas lose 2 from penal legion fire. The wagon boyz now on foot take fire from the battle tank, mortars and one of the platoons which can draw line of sight but still a large number remains after good cover saves.

I call a waaagh! this turn to make use of the wagon boyz on foot, these run towards one of the platoons. The weapon destroyed wagon moves 6" following the boyz now on foot and prepares to gun down the melta vets which popped the wagon. The nobz wagon backs up and gets ready to smack the vendetta, hopefully.

In the shooting phase the boyz in the wagon fire on the melta vets and leave 3 standing, they pass morale. The penal legion take fire from the wagon boyz on the ork objective and also leave 3 standing, they pass morale too! The vendetta gets shot at by the larger loota unit on my objective but only scores crew shaken again! The other loota unit fires through the charging boyz and platoon at the PCS, though after cover saves only kill 2 - they pass morale though.

In assault my boyz charge the platoon squad and give them a good kicking, though the annoying guard stay in combat because the commissar is stubborn! Though this is a benefit as the PCS is close by with flamers. My boss smacks the vendetta but misses!

Turn 3

The guard make the reserve rolls for the sentinels and hellhound, the sentinels outflank and come in by the ork objective close to the battlewagon with all the boyz. The hound comes in top left of the board heading towards the lootas on the ground objective.

The vendetta turbo boosts back towards its deployment zone and the melta vets on foot run and hide behind the pysker battle squads chimera.

In the shooting turn the sentinels pop the battlewagon. The hellhound BBQ's some lootas and the penal legion add to the fire, only 3 lootas are left but they pass morale! The weapon destroyed battlewagon suffers another weapon destroyed result; which makes it immobilised after a shot from the battered melta vets.

In assault the sentinels charge the mass boyz pulling them slightly away from the objective and robbing them of their furious charge. Only 1 boy is lost and one sentinel is wrecked by the nobz power klaw. The platoon takes another beating from the boyz but remains in combat.

The nobz bail out the battlewagon leaving the warboss and big mek and make a run to claim the ork objective as no troops choice are nearby. The melta vets which immobilised the battlewagon get shot at but make the cover saves ok. The reduced loota unit fires the penal legion but they make all the cover saves, the larger loota unit fires at the platoon not in combat and kills a few after cover saves.

In assault 2 boyz are lost to the sentinels and another sentinel is wrecked and the other suffers weapon destroyed. The platoon in combat with the boyz takes a pounding and finally dies, the boyz consolidate in a crater towards the battle tank.

Turn 4

Not a lot of movement from the guard, this is mostly because of time which we are running out of. The vendetta turbo boosts towards the ork objective but is out of range of contesting it.

In the shooting phase the last boyz battlewagon is popped by the executioner. The lootas on the ground floor are finally finished off by the hellhound. The boyz in the crater which killed the platoon get shot to pieces after the order for successful cover saves to be re-rolled is issued, same because the close by battle tank hadn't moved which meant auto hit for me next turn!

In assault nothing happens to the lone sentinel.

The warbosses wagon tank shocks the worn down melta vets as they're in the way and cannot get around, the wagon is wrecked! The boyz out the wrecked battlewagon move towards the vendetta.

In the shooting turn the lootas fire at the vendetta but don't do any major damage.

In assault the big mek and warboss smash the melta vets killing them off. The boyz against the vendetta only score a weapon destroyed. The solo sentinel is wrecked by the nobz power klaw.

The game is a draw. I have missed a few bits off as I forgot to take photos all the way through and I know the hellhound got wrecked at the end!


Was going to be a tough game for both of us, especially orks as the objectives for each army was right in the far corners of the board. Even with the outflanking sentinels and penal legion guard would have it tough especially if they come in the wrong table edges, which they didn't.

I did make some mistakes like not getting that annoying melta squad killed. I should have gunned it down and then sent the warboss only after them to kill them, then consolidate the warboss into terrain for cover. The vendetta was really annoying as well, I should have just shot at it with the larger loota unit. The smaller loota unit I should have sacrificed a shooting turn and get them to move up to a high position, also on the second floor the hellhound template wouldn't have touched some of them. By doing this I could have chipped down units which were on the Guard objective. I was also amazed that some guard units passed there morale test, very annoying as I was hoping they'd fall back! Ah well, you cannot win them all!