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  1. #1

    Default Expansion of 40k would replace Fantasy?

    Here I tought about this. Don't you think that all those expasions GW are doing for 40k (2 new factions, many new figs) can take the place that WFB took in the past? Or do you think that Fantasy WILL get an update? I know rumours are solid about WFB 9th but I can't figure why GW would go on such an expansion now when they could have done this long before. Did they get a new Boss or Shareholder that has a new vision of the trademark.

    I know we don't wish to see this comming but GW could in fact trow up Fantasy 9th if they wanted. They ended Fantasy.

    What do you guys think of this?

    (sorry for the spelling BTW, english isn't my native language.)

  2. #2
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    Undertaking private security operations somewhere in the Human Sphere


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    flippancy aside, its GW just expanding their product, it will likely not replace fantasy, but then given they just willingly destroyed 30 years of world building and IP I could see them doing anything stupid.
    Morbid Angels:
    I probably come across as a bit of an ***, don't worry I just cannot abide stupid.

  3. #3
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    Nothing released for 40k can 'replace' Fantasy. The closest would be if they completely killed Fantasy, and then used the extra space for something else. That won't be a replacement, though, because any players that liked Fantasy and don't want to play 40k (and they are hugely different games) isn't going to stick around.

    Saying one can replace the other is like saying that 40k could be killed and replaced with Warmahordes. It can't. Two different games, and having some overlapping player base does not change them being different beasts.
    Kabal of Venomed Dreams

  4. #4


    I doubt they're dumb enough to kill WFB. Doing so would burn a bridge they could probably never rebuild, especially for those with long memories.

    I know there's a certain computer game publisher whose games I won't touch after they decided to cancel the only MMO I could ever get into, even though it was still profitable and had loyal fans and developers. That was 2.5 years ago and I still won't forgive them.

  5. #5


    Warhammer has not been ended.

    The Warhammer World? Well, sort of. So far as we know. Except right at the end a miracle occurred. What that is, remains to be seen*

    *But it's not Bubblehammer.
    Fed up for Scalpers?

  6. #6
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    Undertaking private security operations somewhere in the Human Sphere


    Quote Originally Posted by Morgrim View Post
    Nothing released for 40k can 'replace' Fantasy. The closest would be if they completely killed Fantasy, and then used the extra space for something else.
    Given the context I'd imagine that this is what the OP was talking about.
    Morbid Angels:
    I probably come across as a bit of an ***, don't worry I just cannot abide stupid.

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by Mr Mystery View Post
    *But it's not Bubblehammer.
    Outlandhammer sounded like a silly idea. Building a Reorigination Device was a much better idea, but we still don't know what happened with that. (Heck, it could be what was found drifting.)

  8. #8
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    I, for one, am excited about them moving the timeline forward in fantasy. I think there will definitely be a 9th ed. and cannot wait to see where they go with it. Fantasy needed a reboot...hopefully the rumors about it ranging from skirmish to large games all in one are true as I always liked Mordheim better than big games of fantasy anyway. I would almost love to see them restrict the races to start as well...start with 5 or 6 factions (the surviving races) and slowly introduce more over time...with real thought and effort put into each models...thoughtful race specific rules etc.

    In any case, I am eagerly awaiting the release...

  9. #9


    I'm not sold on WFB "needing" a reboot. All it needed was to add in rules for smaller games (which they had at one point and could easily adapt from 6th/7th edition to 8th edition (as the rules are largely the same), and fix the pricing scheme being all over the place.

    They had more variety among the Elves in the past, but for some reason decided to start making them extremely similar. Not even content to make Dark Elves just emo High Elves, they also made Wood Elves quite similar. Serious mistake there. It was annoying to see changes like swapping the Dark Elf Executioner's axes (like you'd expect an "executioner" to have) for long swords to make them "evil Swordmasters," but it just got even more ridiculous when they added a unit of Wood Elves with great weapons just because all Elves must be the same.

    Merging factions and squashing them, then slowly building back up to be anywhere close to 40K's number of factions, will just take the game and make it boring and less appealing early on. People are excited about 40K having more options, why would you think removing options from WFB would be good?

    Dogs of War were an interesting army, they got canned. Chaos Dwarfs were interesting and worked different, they got canned. Kislev was unique... canned. The Dwarf Slayers were an interesting sub-faction... canned. Middenheim? Ditto. Cult of Slaanesh? Yep. Lots of interesting stuff existed in Warhammer, but it all got axed while they made a lot of armies more generic. Basically, if they squashed the armies even more, then expanded them over time, they'd be doubling down on one of the dumb ideas they've had, and then slowly taking the game back to where it was.

    Really, that's the best thing WFB could do: Just clean the rules a bit, add the Skirmish and Warbands rules they'd done, bring back the other races and sub-factions, make the races unique again. Oh, and don't charge freaking $60 for ten models in a Core Unit of infantry, that's stupid. In other words: Take WFB back to what it was while it was growing.

    But nah, that'd make too much sense. Let's throw it all out and try to imitate a watered-down Warmachine, that sounds like a winner...

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