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  1. #1

    Default Need help with upcoming Necron v. Tyranid Battle

    As the title says, I've got an upcoming battle against the new Tyranids. They're battling my Necrons (inb4 LOL NOT FLUFFY) at 1500 pts.

    I know my opponent's army. He runs a Genestealer-heavy army with a ton of Carnifexi, Warriors, and a bleeding Mawloc/Trygon (depending on whether he wants to give you the FULL middle finger or not).

    Here's what I have available to me:

    1 Lord, footslogging
    1 Lord, skimmer
    ~40-50 Warriors (I forget the exact amount)
    ~6-7 Scarab Bases (and some wooden 'pogs' I use to count-as for my Tomb Spyder's Scarabs)
    10 Immortals
    3 Destroyers
    1 Heavy Destroyer
    1 Tomb Spyder
    1 Wraith (found it in a game store :shrug: )
    And the one, the only, the undefeated heavyweight champion of cheese: The Monolith!

    We have a lax WYSIWYG policy in our local gaming group, so I've got two questions:

    1. Both lords? 1 Lord? How should they be kitted out?
    2. Just how screwed am-- I mean, how can I pull a win out of this?

  2. #2


    Yeah, you're pretty f**ked.

    I would have felt more confident if you had more destroyers than that.

    Take both Lords with resurrection orbs and staffs of light (warscythe is overkill). At least one should have veil of darkness.

    Take the monolith. I would hardly call it the "cheesiest" unit in the game. If your opponent says that, tell him to f**k off.

    Take all the warriors. Take all the Immortals. If you don't think he'll have many warriors, the Heavy Destroyer is useless.

    It's going to be rough. Be sure you teleport a lot and teleport out of EVERY combat you get in.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Birmingham, England


    one piece of advice - run from the genestealers - mine managed to beat a necron army by themselves turn one - i do love phase out

  4. #4


    HMMMM I play Necrons so I'll see what pearl of wisdom I can come up with.

    General tactics: SHOOT, SHOOT and SHOOT some more!


    1. Get the monolith in close and take advantage of the gauss flux arc projectors d6 shots at EVERY unit with in 12” Could be great!

    2. Use the particle whip to blast T4 multi wound models for the win! Gotta love the loss of eternal warrior. Also remember that the model under the hole take a STR 10 AP1 hit.
    Your opponent can allocate that hit to any model in the unit that got hit but SOMEONE MUST take it.

    So if you hit the Mawlock (unit of one) it HAS to take the hit.

    3. Also “Living Metal” for the Monolith NO BONUS TO ARMOR PEN WHAT SO EVER; so monstrous creatures do NOT get their 2d6 for armor pen vs. the Monolith.

    4. Remember that if you are in CC you can still transport Necrons out of CC by using the Monolith portal OR veil of Darkness.

    So if you get charged and don’t break, don’t stay in combat move the monolith over, get your warriors out of combat and rapid fire the squad that just assaulted you.


    1. Have it make a scarab base right off, that way you have a “majority toughness of 6 for the unit. That gives you a scarab base to suck up three extra T 6 wounds. That should help him out in CC don’t bother with the particle projector he’s BS2 Give him the extra claw because you’ll still hit on a 4+ vs. WS 4 and he’s a monstrous creature.


    I would use two so that the “we’ll be back” can be used even if you get into cc with a monstrous creature.

    1. Take one with the veil and orb set up, no warscythes the shooting from the staff is AP 3 so it comes in handy vs. Carnifexes and the list with 3+ armor save.

    2. Take the other with destroyer body, orb and maybe lightning field? Use him to make sure that the destroyers have a resurrection orb in range all the time.

    In general stay in cover if you can so that you can strike first is he doesn’t have some kind of frag grenades

    Keep the Monolith with in 18” of as many “necron” units as possible so you can try and remove them from harms way if the Mawlock pops up just portal the warriors or immortals away.

    Get rid of the wraith and the heavy destroyer and the scarabs and fill out your list with more warriors.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Redditch, UK


    It's not going to be pleasant. When i first taught my nephew to play 40K it was his Tyranids vs my Necrons. Usually 2000 points each time and i got destroyed every time.


    Pray the dice gods smile upon you.
    My son, ask for thyself another Kingdom, for that which I leave is too small for thee.

  6. #6


    Here's what I'm planning:

    10 Warriors + Lord (Res/Veil

    10 Warriors

    10 Warriors

    10 Warriors


    Lord (Dest/Res/Phase)

    5 Immortals

    1495 pts. Total

    The plan:

    20 Warriors and Monolith remain in Reserve, 20 Warriors/Immortals/Lord get planted in cover and do not move. Destroyer Lord zooms around causing trouble. Monolith comes in and teleports the other 2 Warriors squads in at some point to create a big, distracting node of hurt to split the enemy's attention.
    Last edited by SeanDMon; 01-24-2010 at 11:59 PM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Nottingham, UK


    The list looks as good as it can, but I would be tempted to try and squeeze a couple of destroyers in as a distraction/contesting unit. Gauss Cannons on destroyers and immortals will tear through his stealers. As for the monsterous creatures, you only really have your monolith and then a torrent of gauss blaster fire.

    Your tactics depend on your mission. You'll have a hard time whatever. I'd hope for Capture and Control and bunkering down deep in your deployment zone. Watch out for outflanking genestealers, so maybe deploy centrally. He will struggle to touch your monolith, and the flux arc can cause a lot of damage to his hordes. Concentrate on killing his troops, and try and keep him off your objective. You ideally want to go second, so you have a final chance of making those WBB rolls and nabbing/contesting the objectives.

  8. #8


    I would take out a warrior squad and bump up the immortals to 10

    They have T5 and a S5 24" assault weapon!

    That should mow down Nids and help you with wounding the larger nids plus you can move and shoot so you can try and stay away from the choppy bits.

  9. #9


    Well, looks like I botched the points on my last entry. Here's my new list:

    10 Warriors + Lord (Veil/Res)

    10 Warriors

    10 Warriors

    10 Immortals

    3 Destroyers


    Tomb Spyder

    And I've got 40 points left over.
    Last edited by SeanDMon; 01-25-2010 at 04:20 PM.

  10. #10


    No chance at 2 x Monolith, eh?

    Remember this (and put your f**king cheese-wheel hat on for it): BASE YOUR MONOLITHS ON A FLYING STAND. Your boys can fire through the bottom of it, even though the tyranids cannot draw within 1" of the huge, floating brick and will have to run all the way around to assault you.

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