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  1. #1

    Default Medium transport

    Does anyone use this on a regular basis, as I have bought it but not too impressed, I would rather take the points worth in other ships personally?

  2. #2


    I have it, have only used it once and like you was a bit underwhelmed. But then, it's not really for competitive play - more for the cinematic, scenario driven stuff and I imagine it's quite good at that. Just use it to herd all those nasty imperial ships around whilst boosting your own ships

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2011
    The Sunny Beaches of Canada


    Does anyone use this on a regular basis, as I have bought it but not too impressed, I would rather take the points worth in other ships personally?
    I picked one up the other day and just got through it's rules this afternoon and I kind of agree with you it's not you everyday ship (no attack or defense value? Blarg!). And you may think "Oh hey it's only 30 points" but by the time you fit it with kit its much more, I would guess around two full X-wings worth. There are some sweet cards that it can use but in the end the game becomes about the big ship.

    I have it, have only used it once and like you was a bit underwhelmed. But then, it's not really for competitive play - more for the cinematic, scenario driven stuff and I imagine it's quite good at that. Just use it to herd all those nasty imperial ships around whilst boosting your own ships
    Beauty! It contains rules for a three game campaign about escaping Hoth. I never gave that scene much thought, your more focused on the main characters (Sorry Dodonna no disrespek) but the campaign brings it to life, all of a sudden not only does the space battle over Hoth become more important, but you can totally replay it. All of a sudden your game is either one of those transports that make it, or one of those terrorists that you shoot down; it would be kind of fun to watch Empire again and say " I did that, rebel Scum!" The campaign really shows this with the different rules for rebel and Imperial build lists.

    Not to try and sell it, but it also comes with a ton of cards. Some four named droids ( I don't pay attention to droids, I'm an Imperial player. In fact I hate all droids because Astromech droids have been known to harbor assassin little people that spring into murderous action at the first chance.), as well as six X-wing pilots (The really cool thing about them is that four have unique names, and they all have separate bases, with doubles of the vanilla pilots on the bottom [So if you wanted to field all four pilots you just need more X-wings, not another rebel Transport])

    When you take a big ship, the game becomes about the big ship, guess that's why they put that epic thing on the card, sometimes you're not going to want to play a big ship game, but everyone should. It looks hella fun, I mean think about it; a game system with simple rules is much more fun to play with strong campaign setup than a game with tons of rules (I'm looking at you 7th edition!) were a campaign makes you feel like your limiting yourself.

  4. #4


    their business model for X-Wing is one of pure brilliance, i've bought several ships not for the actual ships but for the frikking upgrade cards that come with them
    ah this game supplies my current plastic addiction needs.

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