Afternoon all.

Just picked up Codex Orks, and we don't seem to have a thread dedicated to discussing what we now actually know.

If you haven't got the book, feel free to ask questions. But please, don't depend on rumours to answer questions. Use the Codex for that.

So, first up, the layout.

It's somewhat shinynewdifferent. The formal army list section? Gone. The unit description section? Gone. Instead, they've been amalgamated into one section, showing the points, upgrades, FoC slot and the fluff for the unit. Bit jarring, but then it is the first of the 7th Edition Codecies, so we best get used to it.

Then we have further oddities, such as Boss Snikrot. He's available as a stand alone Elite slot, but if you have a unit of Kommandos in your army, you can take Snikrot without expending a second Elite slot.

And that's not all. Meks and Big Meks are separate HQ slots. Meks are a piffling 15 points each, and the same stats as a Nob. You can take them as your HQ, but you can also one Mek for each other HQ (excluding other Meks, but not Big Meks) without using up an HQ slot. They must be assigned to Artillery or Infantry, immediately after Warlord Traits are determined - This means you select their unit prior to deployment beginning.

Badrukk, Zagstruk and Mad Dok Grotsnik are all HQ choices now.

Fast Attack changes? You can now take Trukks as separate slots. Which is....interesting.

Now, we have lost two Special least.....sort of. Zogwort is gone, gone gone. Completely gone. Not in the book.

Wazdakka....well, he's the sort of. He himself is not in the book, which is disappointing for those players who converted one up. But wait! I said 'sort of' gone. You see, turn to page page 100, and we find Gifts of Gork and Mork. And amongst them? Warboss Gazbag's Blitzbike. 35 point upgrade, and it's basically Wazdakka's bike, more or less. 18" Turboboost, instead of 12" (vroom!), and gets +1 cover save when doing so. Also has Kustom Dakkablastas - 24", S6, AP3, Assault 3..... So we can still field Wazdakka, after a fashion!

And those Gifts of Gork and Mork are not those shown in the rumour thread - seems that page is from Waaagh! Ghazghkull.

Other items?

Da Finkin' Kap - Grants an additional Warlord Trait from the generic ones in The Rules.

Blitzbike - As above.

Da Lucky Stikk - It's Makari's old banner! Old, because Makari is confirmed dead. Ghaz went and sat on him. It's a Bosspole that grants +1 WS, and gives you the option to re-roll any and all To Hit, To Wound or Saving Throws. ANY. No limit. However, if 3 or more of these re-rolls generate failures in the same turn, the model is removed as a casualty, with no saves of any kind allowed. Pretty nice if you like pushing your luck!

Headwoppa's Killchoppa. +2 S, AP5, Melee, Rending, Two Handed, and Decapitating Strike (any 6's to wound have Instant Death)

Da Fixer Upperz - Special Mek tools. Instead of shooting, on a 3+ a vehicle in btb with the owner can gain back a hull point, fix a weapon destroyed, or fix an immobilised. Fairly useful!

Da Dead Shiny Shoota - 18", S4, AP6, Assault 6, Twin Linked, and Stray Shot - For each missed shot, roll a D6. On a 1, a friendly unit within 6" of the target, chosen by your opponent, suffers a S4 AP6 hit. Opponent can't choose the owner or the owner's unit.

Bit of a mixed bag there.

Right, enough waffling from me. Next poster please!